Reading ratios

Financial risk ratios, also known as solvency ratios, are used to determine the long-term financial health of a business by analysing whether a company carries too much debt. And these ratios can come in very handy when looking to invest or review financial situations. The solvency ratio is a key metric that can be used...Continue reading

How to avoid the retirement crisis

South Africa is currently in the midst of what is widely referred to as a ‘retirement crisis’, which could intensify if the issue isn’t addressed properly soon. After a period of excellent investment returns that have, up until recently, somewhat masked the fact that retirees in living annuities haven’t saved enough, local retirement fund members...Continue reading

Hooray for RAs

Retirement Annuities (RAs) have been around for a long time, and are basically private pension plans that help you to save for retirement. As we near the end of yet another tax year, we move into a period that is often referred to as RA season, which is a good time to weigh up the...Continue reading

Tread Lightly this Christmas

It’s easy for Christmas to turn into a frenzied flurry of wasteful consumerism, and to find ourselves knee-deep in ripped-up wrapping paper that we discard in a hurry before Christmas lunch. But before you fill black bin bags with gift tags and empty jars of cranberry sauce, pause for a second to think about how...Continue reading

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