Slow Down. Appreciate.

If you’re anything like me, you may find that after you’ve had a holiday… you feel like you need a holiday! Our pace of life is currently so fast that even when we’re on holiday, or trying to take things a little slower, we don’t actually get to relax or rest as much as we...Continue reading

New Year Spending Tips

If you want to change the way you’re doing something, if you want to improve or adjust or if you simply want to bring about a new direction – changing the way you think about something is the first step! Many of us begin our new-year-financials with a hope to saving more money – and...Continue reading

Gobble. Gobble

The festive season is so festive because we do too much, spend too much… and eat too much! We try to fit in as many social events as possible, because we have so many people that we want to see; and we spend so much money because we want people to spoil our family, friends...Continue reading

Employee motivation

At the end of the year, there is often a heightened expectation to show appreciation to one’s staff. Whether they help you out around the house or run your company, most of us have people who work for us and feel a desire to show them appreciation! Whilst paying out bonuses is a common way...Continue reading

Spring clean your finances

Spring cleaning is simultaneously exhilarating and exhausting. The process of clearing out old ‘junk’ is reinvigorating and mind-easing, however it also feels like a drag. And many people feel the same about their finances, but organizing and simplifying your financial situation can help set yourself up for financial success. Here are some tips to help...Continue reading

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